Horoscope for Monday:
"Some constrained types may say you're addicted to excitement, but you know that you need to take inspiration wherever you may find it. Can you help that you find it in such unusual and stimulating places?"
Horoscope for Sunday:
"Seize any excuse to improve your quality of life, especially if it involves your living space. Having the right place to come home to will do wonders to perking up your spirits. Make your house a magical destination."
E-mail from a dear friend:
My parents and I saw this building project today in downtown Denver. My fantasy right now is moving back to Denver and buying a home at the Glass House in LoDo. The location is fantastic, the architectural vision is appealing, and the prices are very reasonable with great investment value. Check out this website. Warning: you will be seduced! Maybe it's time for you to relocate. We can be neighbors.
Not only was the place he showed me fantastic, but they even mention this:
Were they talking to me directly???
Ironic indeed.
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