Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 Awards

Since this is the beginning of a new year, that means that it's time to hand out some awards from the previous one and look ahead. I like this little quiz because it helps me do just that.

1) DRINKING BUDDY OF THE YEAR: Justin Kennedy and Price. Strangely they both drank with me in NY and KC, are both straight, and both have the tendency to get me to drink things that are on fire!

2) LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD (longest friend): Wow. Tough to gauge. I would say that as far as *good* friends go, this would go to Chris (Curley). Though I have known people longer, I would say that at this point he is the close friend that I have had the longest.

3) NEWCOMER AWARD (newest friend): Should we again go with the good friend? I think so. I would say that Price wins this one. After working with him in Zanna he became one of my favorite people, and I didn't know him at all before this year.

4) HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR: Moving to New York.

5) LOW POINT OF THE YEAR: This was a rough year. I would say more lows than any adult year previous. Lets leave it at that.

6) BEST HOLIDAY: I would say that I had the most fun on Thanksgiving. It definitely isn't my favorite holiday, but this year being with fun people with great food really made it stand out for the year.

7) YOUR SONG FOR 2007: Hmmm. I am not sure on this one. Probably "You Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray. Technically it is pre-2007, but since it was released with a new version in the movie, it counts and since my year was rebounding from one problem after another, it is good to think that I can keep going no matter what.

8) MOVIE FOR 2007: 300 and Harry Potter (5) rank way up there, but there were lots of incredible ones.

9) WITH WHOM DID YOU SPEND VALENTINES DAY? Sadly, this one was a loner day.

10) BEST RELATIONSHIP: Hmm. I would have to say that the only romantic relationship that appeared this year ranks as the best, and actually the worst this year. Friends and family relationships were good, but it's hard to beat the high you feel with the right person romantically.

11) WHAT WERE YOU FOR HALLOWEEN? The Joker. Even better was that I partnered up with JVP who went as Poison Ivy.

12) RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR: Bravo. I am not sure that Kellie and I could have survived without it.

13) BOOK OF THE YEAR: Confessor. (Terry Goodkind) I have never been so impressed with the ending of a series in my life. (The Commitment by Dan Savage would be the top of the non-fiction).

14) BEST DECISION MADE THIS YEAR: To move to New York.

15) WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? Get the job I have been waiting for for far too long, and establish a life for myself in NYC.

16) MOST STUPID IDEA WHEN DRUNK: Well, drunk doesn't really fall into my equation, but I would say that the amount of money I spent on drinking without getting drunk was certainly a string of stupid ideas.

17) TV SHOW OF THE YEAR: Tie between Brothers and Sisters and Heroes. Love them both, and they are so different from one another that I think they are each the best in their respective categories… even if I did get jipped on Chapter 2 of Heroes.

18) MOST LOYAL FRIEND: Chris Hahn, no question.

19) BIGGEST CHANGE OF THE YEAR: I would have to use it again, but moving 1300 miles is a pretty big change, oh, and getting out of business certainly counts too.

20) BIGGEST RETARD AWARD: The TV producers who aren't fixing the fact that TV seasons aren't going!

21) NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Resolution: (Generic, I know, but I got really close last year, I just need that extra push this year) Create a "get and stay in shape" plan that I will actually follow with my crazy schedule. Goal: Find a meaningful romantic relationship that doesn't end in heartache.

In brief, despite the lack of the kiss that I really wanted, it was a great time surrounded by lots of great friends, and of course being at my favorite bar certainly helped. I ended up with very few downer moments and had a great time when all is said and done.

2007 was one of the roughest years of my life. I know that the lessons I have learned will serve me well and that 2008 is going to be the start of a whole new and incredible ball game!

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