As with everything, for it to exist, there must be something to compare it to. I think a great example of that is the love story in When Harry Met Sally. Those who have seen the film know that the story follows the two from their first meeting (where they decide they don't really like one another) all the way to twelve years and three months later, when they finally
Given these two possibilities of falling in love, you have to ask two questions: 1. Which of the two is more desirable, and perhaps first 2. Which, if either, actually is possible?
When thinking about the second question, I was presented an interesting thought by a friend of mine. It was in one of those surveys that goes around e-mail and MySpace asking you all sorts of things. One of the questions was "Do you believe in love at first sight?" His response was, "No. Lust at first sight yes, but love is something that only develops over time." Interesting thought.
At first, my hopelessly romantic self instantly rebelled at this statement, but then I began to think about it and talk to other people about it and see what truth there might be behind those words. Can you fall hard and fast for someone? Can you look at them and know that you love them? Can a short period of time bring a lifetime's worth of love?
With the first in doubt, we must look at the alternative. Many would say that people who fall in love over time are actually always in love, it just takes them time to realize or come to grips with their feelings. Given the judgmental nature of people, and the mysterious "chemistry" this seems plausible. Of course, many friendships form over time, and perhaps love can follow suit.
Lets assume for now that both scenarios are completely possible, and you can chose between them. Which is better?
Love at first sight certainly has more risks. Making a judgement that quick can turn out to be blind to many things. Without having time to get to know whether you and your interest are compatible, you can become emotionally attached without there being much chance of working out. Also, if the other person doesn't fall in line so quickly, you are more likely to get hurt. The pain of loss is always hard, and when you fall fast for someone it makes the pain more likely, and more acute.
Of course, taking your time can present problems as well. The first is the time that it takes. Most people become more inclined towards a family the older they get. Women especially feel this with their "biological clock," lending to the possibility that you might settle for less than the one you could really love because of your desire to have that family. Also, there is a great risk for damaging a good friendship. Many people have a hard time making that transition, and if one wants to and the other doesn't, you feel both the pain of unrequited love, and the strain or breaking of your friendship. That can be painful indeed.
Though it is fun to examine this as an intellectual exercise, I certainly have emotional and spiritual beliefs. At this point in my life, I can say that I can't imagine anything other than love at first sight. This is not to say that everything works out right away, as life can tend to make things difficult at times. What I don't think is possible is for me not to feel strongly for someone when I meet them, and later grow into it. I have often been said to fall hard and fast, and it's true. For a while I thought that I might have been elevating my feelings to some ideal that I couldn't actually achieve, but recently I have affirmed to myself that I really can feel the connections with those I love early. Though I can indeed "lust" after people early, the difference in that first glance can be felt in my soul. Sometimes it is hard to tell them apart, but looking back, I can see the difference. The feelings I have for the people in my life I have loved have all been fast and powerful. Even when circumstances keep us apart, I know my feelings to be true.
Though sometimes I would long for the comfort of learning to love someone, and the power of that love coming out of nowhere and taking me by surprise, I know that such a relationship would never be as true as one where I felt that pull right from the beginning. Though this philosophy leaves me open to be burned, as I have been burned in the past, it is something that I know is part of who I am. Perhaps the world is made up of Romeo and Juliets as well as Harry and Sallys. If it is, I know that I am indeed a Romeo, and that my love will be fast and powerful, even if it hurts. I know that I will find someone that embraces this, and that will bring me a truer form of happiness.
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