Saturday, July 14, 2007

Telling the Universe You Are Ready

A while back a friend of mine mentioned something that I think is both profound and accurate. He was talking about his business and how he kept saying that he wanted more clients, but that now that he thought about it, he didn't really do anything to tell the universe that was what he really wanted. In his example, he mentioned that he didn't have his workroom setup to actually be the way he wanted to present it to clients. He wasn't saying that people were turning away, but that his presentation didn't really open himself up to the possibility of getting what he wanted.

The universe has a way of giving us things whether we want them or not. People, events, opportunities all float in and out of our lives all the time. It often times seems as though we have no control over this, but following this line of thinking, that isn't entirely true. It certainly has its merits, and more importantly some evidence to back it up. You are far more likely to receive something if you open yourself up to it as much as possible.

You can get philosophical or theological to try and create explanations, but in truth it doesn't matter. Whether you think it is divine intervention, fate, chance, or simply a human ability either to draw things to us, it doesn't really matter. For those truly wanting to be clinical about it, perhaps the phenomenon is nothing other than the more open we are as people to a possibility, the more likely we are to recognize it. Maybe it would have been there regardless, but if you aren't prepped, we will just miss it.

I am not just talking about thinking that you want something. This idea is that you actually take steps to open yourself up to what you want. Taken another way, consider the "If you build it, they will come" idea. Want to find someone to share your bed with, but have a twin? Not so much. Want to travel internationally but still don't have your passport? Not being open. The idea is that whatever you want, you should make yourself as available to it as possible. Don't think that you will do something when you get what you want, do what you will do when you have such things, and then they will be more likely to come to you.

Of the examples I gave, I like playing with the passport one the best. If you have always wanted to leave the country, you certainly don't need your passport until you actually plan a trip. The idea is that by having it you are telling yourself, your sub conscious, and the universe itself that you are serious about what you want, and you are ready to seize it the moment the opportunity comes along. Out of the blue someone could ask you to go to London with them, and that is one less concern you would have.

I think that we should always try and think about what we want in our lives most. I think that the thought does help you recognize opportunities, and it also helps create those chances. Taking that a step further and thinking about ways in which we can "prepare" ourselves for exactly what it is that we are wanting at that time, the more likely we are to obtain what we so fervently desire.

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